Monday, November 22, 2010

complete the 9 hours is suffering

dont know how to explain..
i do love my job but i hate to complete the 9 hours per day..
act, if it is 9-6 im ok but y my colleage love the 10-7..

today, my 'sifu' is on leave..
and i??
terkapai-kapai? bluurrr!
dont know what should i do.
my manager ask me to read the email but none of it i understand what its mean and about..
im done my work on friday for some process..
and also the acc system make me SICK!!!SUCKKKSSSSSSSSS!!!

the person incharge please get back into office and do ur job..
this is urgent!!!
they said, they will give an priority to those who in urgent case..
im in Finance Department, doing the daily collection, activities and those invoices for 3 currency, doesn it looks like im in URGENT??shut up!

my colleagues are busying to chase the due date, i dont want to disturb them ok and i dont like to wait another person coz without the person i cant proceed my task.

and another problem came out today, if the IT person are upgrading the system some software will missing and got to call them to fix it..y u org nk nyushkan org lain je???and guess what the most important software that always missing during the upgrading is MICROSOFT OFFICE.aihhh...

Ya Allah, give me courage and patient for being able to geth through all over this..
i dont want a monday sickness but its happen on Monday.
everyday i come, im hoping that the system is done...amiin~

p/s: entry jiwa kacau.hati cedera parah.